CBD Massage

CBD Massage at Massage Works Los Gatos


We are  offering CBD massage cream for our clients because the benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) are aligned with what we strive to achieve with every massage therapy session at Massage Works.


Our goal for our clients with every massage is to provide optimal pain relief, reduced stress and recovery from injury.


The Vital Therapeutics CBD and therapeutic herbal infused massage cream we use is formulated from organic hemp, it is non-psychotropic and deeply therapeutic.

CBD Massage Available

The benefits of CBD include:


  • Reduces pain
  • Increases comfort during deep tissue massage
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Helps arthritis
  • Relieves anxiety and stress
  • Improves sleep
  • Great for the skin issues like Psoriasis/Eczema
  • Good for sprains & strains



Dr. Jean Talleyrand, M.D. founder of MediCann explains how CBD provides relief from pain and inflammation.

In an interview with MASSAGE Magazine, Talleyrand explained that both THC and CBD stop pain through the endocannabinoid system.

“This system consists of at least two receptors, termed CB1 and CB2 … the receptors are in every organ, including the skin, and typically found on nerve cells and immune cells in these organs,” he said.

The [endocannabinoid] system modulates inflammation and pain, said Talleyrand—and because inflammation may also cause pain, the system affects pain in two ways.

First, THC directly binds to both CB1 and CB2 receptors, and so directly influences pain, while CBD binds to a TRPV1 receptor. That TRPV1 receptor has, in turn, a positive influence on the CB1 and CB2 receptors, which is how CBD indirectly mitigates pain, Talleyrand said.

Additionally, he said, “TRPV1 is directly related to pain transmission, and thus CBD may influence pain in this direct fashion as well—and that is why CBD is considered the more anti-pain compound of the two cannabinoids.”

Our clients have described the CBD Herbal Massage experience as “very relaxing”, “best massage I’ve ever gotten”, “total pain relief” and “able to get relaxed faster”.

We describe this extra service as the CBD Herbal Massage because it is the synergy between the CBD, essential oils and the healing herbs that make the session deeply relaxing and healing.

Schedule your CBD Herbal Massage with one of our therapists today. With every treatment  the client receives 1 oz. of CBD massage cream with 50 mg of CBD, hot towel treatment and aromatherapy to make a luxurious and effective experience for the added price of just $25.00.